Religious, Spiritual, Metaphysical Practice

Called: The One, Transcendent Presence, Supreme Being, Creator, Infinite Love, God, Malki Tzedek, Lord Jesus, Mahamuni Babaji Maharaj, Christ, I AM, Buddha (who never claimed to be God), Allah, Holy Spirit, Qi, Yeshua, Lord Joshua, Onoma, mother nature, nirvana and countless others. According to Vedanta tradition: God is One, we call God by various names. But whatever name we use, the search for a refuge and for truth has been going on since the beginning of recorded time. Some believe in a no God view but in the term “existence”. Wherever we place ourselves, the relevant question becomes: where do we find this kingdom, this source of life, of joy of truth and fullfilment? In my experience, the answer is found in Luke 17:21. This kingdom is within ourselves.

What I hope to share with you is not any philosophy or religious dogma. But to emphasize the importance of having some kind of personal, meaningful spiritual practice. –

                                              Here are some of the people who have impacted my life in a most positive and healing way.

Dr. Joseph Murphy

Wrote, taught, counseled and lectured to thousands of people all around the world for nearly fifty years.
Joseph Murphy, PhD, DD (1898–1981) was a world-renowned authority on mind dynamics and author of numerous bestselling books. His ability to provide practical techniques that anyone can use as a tool for physical, social, economic, and spiritual self-improvement gained him a loyal worldwide following of millions. He wrote, taught, counseled, and lectured to thousands over a fifty-year career. He was the minister-director of the Church of Divine Science in Los Angeles for twenty-eight years, where his lectures were heard by thousands every week. Among his dozens of books are The Power of Your Subconscious Mind, Think Yourself Rich, Believe in Yourself, and many others. A renowned authority on mysticism and mind dynamics, his work continues to influence followers worldwide.
Murphy shows that anyone can unleash extraordinary mental powers to build self-confidence, to create harmonious relationships, to gain professional success, to amass wealth, to conquer fears and phobias, to banish bad habits, and even to effect physical healing and promote overall well-being and happiness.


Dr. Joe Dispenza
I met Dr Joe and worked with him at Kripalu in Mass. His book “Becoming Supernatural”  has become a huge, global best seller. “We all have our own personal limits — whether they are related to our ability to create abundance in our life, our capacity to make some type of change in our health or our body, our inability to stop recreating the same outcomes, or just our ability to believe in ourselves. When we step beyond our limitations, we become more unlimited.
Researcher, chiropractor, author and lecturer, Dr. Joe Dispenza is an expert on the brain, mind and human potential. He has taught thousands of people around the world how they can re-program their thinking and eliminate self-destructive habits so they can reach their goals and visions. Dr. Dispenza drawn on both scientific and universal principles to deliver practical tools and techniques that empower people to truly change from the inside out – and so change their results in life.
Dr. Dispenza is also the author of the bestselling book Evolve Your Brain – The Science of Changing Your Mind and also featured in the smash hit docu-drama What the Bleep Do We Know!?

The Book of John in Christian Bible
Probably one of the most metaphysical, educational and light filled books in the Christian Bible for me. Much is mentioned about our own healing power and learning the best mental and spiritual processes. An inside look behind the meaning of the parables, allegories and the words of Jesus. John 15:7 says- “If ye abide in me ye shall ask what ye will and it shall done unto you.”

Elizabeth Rann Arrott
Author, Metaphysician, Teacher, Lecturer, Rev Elizabeth Rann Arrott has also written a magical book called: Shortcut to a Miracle. Her knowledge and experience in spiritual prayer treatment and healing is incredible. She has been a great guide and is a good friend.

Professor Diane Lang.
Diane is a national speaker, educator and certified positive psychology coach, has her Master’s degree in counseling and is an adjunct at Montclair State University in the Undergraduate Psychology Department. I was proud and honored to have her as my co-host on The Expat Show® and as my friend. Her books have helped thousands.

Alma Delia Beltran Gonzales
Director INTEGRA Healing Center-  Queretaro Mexico:  Healer, Acupunture, Reiki and Intuitive.
My deepest gratitude to my friend Alma for the opportunity to work with her. Much healing has happened for me and many others being at her center. Thank you always Alma.

Her words of wisdom: “Just don’t stop believing,  because you are always creating. And at some point everything will make sense.  Protect your stability and harmony. Offer your intention and prayer to God- follow your intuition and move on. I share with you a phrase that today when I read it made me reflect and understand that it is true. “If we could erase all the mistakes of the past, we would be erasing all the wisdom of our present.” (Alma and I also conduct a local and international prayer group where everyone is welcome to participate.)

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The individuals we generally revere and admire throughout history, have had there own definite spiritual practice. We are all unique and special individuals thus you may already have found your personal methods. Be encouraged to make your spiritual practice the highlight of your day. Why? Because science and metaphysical science has proved that the thoughts we think and the emotions we entertain determine our energy/vibrational level and the quality of our health and well being!

Dreaming and Sleep

There is much from science and research on this subject. The amount of resources and information available on the power of the subconscious mind can be found all over the internet. I recommend that we all take the time to do research on this incredible subject. Amazing. In my experience I have found that the kinds of emotions, attitudes and thoughts I bring with me to my sleep have a direct effect on the mood I awaken with. Letting go of the days activities, the worries and the negative and dwelling on the happy, positive and uplifting can go a long way toward our healing and overall health.
Putting emphasis on the quality of our sleep in our life can: 1. Maintain a healthy heart. 2. Improve our mood.  3. Make us more productive. 4. Sharpen our brain. 5. Even help maintain a healthy weight
“The ancient teachers discovered that sleep, or a state akin to sleep, aided man in making his assumption. Therefore, they dramatized the first creative act of man as one in which man was in a profound sleep. This not only sets the pattern for all future creative acts, but shows us that man has but one substance that is truly his to use in creating his world and that is himself.” – Neville Goddard
Job 33:15   In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds.

Sweet Dreams Always!!!!

Prayer and Affirmation

Fact is no two people are alike. Therefore I highly recommend that each of us do a deep dive of soul searching on what prayer and affirmation practice is for us. It is my understanding that the infinite creator has made infinite numbers of individuals with a different path to walk. Is prayer a form of asking? Yes, this is my experience and understanding but not begging or petitioning a Universal Power for something that is already given to us. Asking for a healing without first acknowledging our built in mechanism called Homeostasis can make things more difficult and frustrating. The question becomes- how might I be blocking homeostasis to operate within me? Finding this out might be a good start toward our healing. Operating from a believe in helplessness or victimhood denies who we really are. This makes our asking ineffective. Are we slaves to our situation or health condition? Irrespective of what religious tradition you may be from, the same higher message is echoed. We are Gods and the beloved of the One Supreme God. And we are promised answered prayer. Is this first about our mental and emotional transformation?

The question became for me what was standing in the way of my answered prayer and how to “tune into” (if you will) this so-called Divine or higher frequency. Is the answer there? Almost like I was pleading in a dark room for sunlight when all I had to do is find the “shade” and open it. Modern neuroscience research demonstrates that where we focus our attention is where our energy is.
So for some of us we pray to find out where is this “shade” and how we can open it. In the Buddhist tradition, we pray for the inspiration and strength to work on ourselves so that we can create our own causes of happiness, as well as benefit others as much as possible.
Hinduism originated from prayers. In devotional worship Hindus use prayers to express their love and devotion to the One that has become the many. The focus is on a power greater than ourselves.
The Bible offers a very clear and practical way on how we can raise ourselves up with a renewed view and receive our answer. Romans 12-2 Philippians 4:8   (Suggested books- The Dynamic Laws of Prayer by Ponder. Prayer is the Answer by Murphy)

Affirmation Decree. By definition, an affirmation or decree is an official order issued by a legal authority. The key part of this definition is the legal authority. For an affirmation or decree to be official – which means it can be executed – the person issuing the decree must have the authority or the right to pronounce the order. can be about decreeing or claiming a situation or outcome. Bible- Job 22:28 Chronicles-2 30:5 Chronicles-2 30:5 Isaiah 10:1 Joel 3:10

We have this right to use this knowledge and power for our better benefit.

On meditation. There are many different views on what it is and what it is not. There are some religious traditions that say meditation is not of God. Only prayer is. As thinking human beings we can often complicate something that is otherwise very natural and healing. Sometimes we need to get out of our heads and have the experience instead of a debate. For me meditation is reaching a state of deep, clear, lucid relaxation. A letting go of the cares and worries. Which can automatically opens up waves of joy and peace. Becoming God aware. I have had moments of “the state of peace that passes understanding” The challenge for most of us however is how to attain to this place when our thoughts and emotions are racing. One secret I have found is by increasing our level of endorphins and oxygen prior to standing, sitting or lying down for meditation. Having long walks, running, swimming or some kind of activity that throws our attention into the body and out of the thought process. That’s it! Then put our attention on our breath and enjoy the serenity. The more we practice this the deeper the experience goes.

What I have learned in my study and practice is that meditation should not be a forced effort. This may be called Concentration but not Meditation. A forced thing will never make it natural. There is no need to create unnecessary conflict. The state of meditation isn’t something you do necessarily but a phenomena that happens as a result of being in a relaxed, let go place. This has to be understood because the mind has a natural capacity to meditate if you give it objects or activities which are appealing to it. Find something which is pleasant and which appeals to you.


Here is a very enjoyable technique I do.  Great  to start your day or anytime.  Its a simple, obvious yet powerful and effective way to “alchemize” my stress, negative thoughts and emotions. Very healing also.  I decide on how long a walk I will take. (Hours or distance) My focus is on my breathing and I do not force or fight with trying to control my breathing, thoughts or any feelings that come up. Let them come up and keep walking. Long walks produce oxygen and endorphines which energize and relax your state of mind. Then stop in a quiet place and allow meditation or a natural no-mind state of serenity to be there. That’s the whole exercise.

Do this same thing with swimming or running. Your attention on the activity. Then stop in a quiet place

Psalm 46:10 “Be Still and know I AM God”

Matthew 6:6 “But when you pray, go away by yourself, shut the door behind you.

Here is one for the morning- (by OSHO) upon waking, before opening your eyes, stretch like a cat. Stretch every fibre of your body. After three or four minutes, with eyes still closed, begin to laugh. For five minutes just laugh. At first you will be doing it, but soon the sound of your attempt will cause genuine laughter. Lose yourself in laughter. It may take several days before it really happens, for we are so unaccustomed to the phenomenon. But before long it will be spontaneous and will change the whole nature of your day.

There are many many resources with wonderful techniques and ideas to help you on this path. Give yourself time to explore-it is well worth it!!