
My study and experience on the healing power of light and light waves have been a mind-blowing revelation. We owe much to the dedicated and courageous pioneers from centuries back to today. They have laid down a foundation we are building. I have learned to trust the science and apply it in my life. Some of these pioneers paid a high price for their work, being ostracized and shunned by their community. But many of those same ones persisted. Their reward finally came as recognition and even a Nobel prize.
You may be surprised to find that the healing paradigms and information contained here are readily available to all. There are documented examples of cures for pain, cancer, tuberculoses, osteoporosis, depression and more. All part of the Holistic Health initiative.

Sadly, there are a greedy and powerful few who still push for the suppression and distortion of the healing science of light, color and FarInfrared therapies. By accepting their censorship we continue to undermine the light of hope. Take it upon yourself to incorporate what you read here into your own life. Do your own research. Its time to get out of the dark and come to the light. Reclaiming our healing power!
Here is a look at sun, color and far infrared and their healing applications.

SUN CURES– (Big Picture: Direct sunlight, UV, Color, FarInfrared, Vitamin D)
There are two points of view that explain the phenomena of getting well by “bathing in the sunshine.” The scientific and the nuero-scientific and the physical and the metaphysical. That it is solely the sun’s rays and activities that cures and the other POV is that its the use of the thought and imagination that does the healing. My view is both are true and both influence the other. In other words, by putting our attention on taking in the sun rays we can enhance the effectiveness of the physical rays and its healing properties. Supporting Homeostatis. The rule is, where we put our attention- is where we direct our energy. And the body responds.
I still practice a form of “sun breathing”.

Example of Color Breathing Exercise.
Make yourself comfortable whether sitting or lying. Choose a color you like.
– Close your eyes, and bring your attention to your breathing.
– Anytime that other thoughts, images, sounds or sensations come to mind, just
notice them, and then gently bring your attention back to your breathing, and your
– Perhaps imagine that you have a balloon in your belly, and notice how the balloon
inflates as you breathe in, and deflates as you breathe out. Notice the sensations in your abdomen as your belly rises as the balloon inflates on the inbreath, and falls as the balloon deflates on the outbreath.
– Now visualise your colour, perhaps in the form of light, or mist. If it’s difficult to visualise that colour, just imagine, in your
mind’s eye, something that is that colour – for instance green grass, or blue sea or sky, orange sunset, pink dawn. See it in
front of you, over you, surrounding you, enveloping you. As you slowly breathe, become aware of breathing in your colour, into your nose, your throat, your chest and abdomen. Imagine now that colour spreading out within you, into every part of your body, and notice the effects that it has.
– Notice the sensations in your body, as this coloured light or mist, flows into and spreads throughout your body and mind.
– Notice how the colour is affecting your body, and your mind, as you allow it to gently flow and infuse your body and mind.
– Continue to notice the colour and the sensations that it brings.
– Anytime that your attention wanders, simply notice that it’s wandered, then gently bring your focus back to your colour.
– Whenever you’re ready, start to bring your attention back to the here and now, where you are. Open your eyes and look around, noticing what you see and what you hear. Take a couple of breaths and notice the pleasing sensations that accompany this relaxing coloured breathing.

Taking or breathing in the sun’s rays to treat a specific area of my body.

The Sun, as the source of energy and light for life on Earth, has been a central object in culture and religion since prehistory. Ritual solar worship has given rise to solar deities in theistic traditions throughout the world, and solar symbolism is ubiquitous. Apart from its immediate connection to light and warmth, the Sun is also important in timekeeping as the main indicator of the day and the year. Our sun displays its energy to us mainly as visible light, ultraviolet light, and infrared radiation. The enormous effect of the Sun on Earth has been recognized since prehistoric times. The Sun was thought of by some cultures as a deity.

There are benefits to moderate sun exposure. And its vital to know your skin type and propensity to sun burning.
I think Dr. Robert S. Stern covers this very well. He is the chair of the Department of Dermatology at Harvard-affiliated Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. Dr. Stern calls them “solar-phobes”: people so concerned about getting skin cancer that they stay inside or cover every bit of skin. “They cover up like they were going out into the Arabian Desert ,” he says. The marketing of ultra-blocking sunscreens and special sun-protective clothing plays into these fears.

There’s no getting around the fact that sunlight can be hard on your skin. Age gets blamed for wrinkles and rough, dry skin. But the real culprit is a combination of age and sun that dermatologists call photo-aging. The short UVB wavelengths that cause sunburn can also damage DNA and suppress the skin’s immune system. The longer, more penetrating UVA wavelengths may create highly reactive oxygen molecules capable of damaging skin cell membranes and the DNA inside.

The relationship between sun exposure and skin cancer risk isn’t as straightforward as you might think. Genes are a factor, of course: Some protect, some promote. So is skin type: People with pale skin who sunburn easily and don’t tan are more likely to get sun-related skin cancer. As for exposure, the “dose” and its timing are crucial. Several studies have suggested that suddenly getting a lot of sun is more dangerous then steady exposure over time.

There’s also evidence that exposure when you’re young — perhaps before your 20th birthday — matters most. A large Scandinavian study of melanoma risk published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute in 2003 found that adolescence is the most dangerous time to get a sunburn. Recent sun exposure doesn’t seem to be associated with basal cell carcinoma, the mildest form of skin cancer. Squamous cell carcinoma appears to be different. Cumulative and recent exposure to sunlight at any age is strongly associated with actinic keratoses, scaly growths on the skin that are a risk factor for that type of skin cancer.

However, the same DNA-damaging, sunburn-causing UVB wavelengths that sunscreens are designed to block, also do some good: They kick off the chemical and metabolic chain reaction that produces vitamin D. Research shows that many people have low vitamin D levels. There is a well-documented relationship between low vitamin D levels and poor bone health. Now links have been made to everything from multiple sclerosis to prostate cancer. “Linking” low vitamin D with these diseases doesn’t prove cause-and-effect, but it suggests that possibility. Getting some sun may also shake off the wintertime blues: Research suggests that light hitting your skin, not just your eyes, helps reverse seasonal affective disorder (SAD). Moreover, being outside gets us golfing, gardening, and engaging in other types of physical activity.

Nobody wants to get skin cancer, but we’ve gone from sun worship to sun dread. Dr. Stern and others say there is a middle way that includes using a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (SPF) of at least 15 when you’re outside for an extended period and wearing a hat and shirt around midday. So when summer’s here, get outside and enjoy it!
There is a mountain of research and different views on sun exposure. I share that excessive sun exposure has its risks. It is interesting also that high sun exposure was linked with increased survival rates in patients with early-stage melanoma in a study reported by Marianne Berwick, an epidemiology professor at the University of New Mexico, in the February 2005 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. Holick also points out that most melanomas occur on the least sun-exposed areas of the body, and occupational exposure to sunlight actually reduced melanoma risk in a study reported in the June 2003 Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Know your skin type and measure how and how long you sunbath.

The earliest understanding of the Sun was that of a disk in the sky, whose presence above the horizon creates day and whose absence causes night. In the Bronze Age, this understanding was modified by assuming that the Sun is transported across the sky in a boat or a chariot, and transported back to the place of sunrise during the night after passing through the underworld.

Many ancient monuments were constructed with the passing of the solar year in mind; for example, stone megaliths accurately mark the summer or winter solstice (some of the most prominent megaliths are in Nabta Playa, Egypt; Mnajdra, Malta and at Stonehenge, England); Newgrange, a prehistoric human-built mount in Ireland, was designed to detect the winter solstice; the pyramid of El Castillo at Chichén Itzá in Mexico is designed to cast shadows in the shape of serpents climbing the pyramid at the vernal and autumnal equinoxes.

Today there are some who still use a type of sun meditation to connect to their higher self.

In the late 1700s, a French doctor noticed something unusual: His patients’ leg sores healed faster when exposed to the sun. Nothing much came of this finding, though, until a Danish doctor noticed something similar a century later.
Dr. Niels Finsen, who later went on to win a Nobel Prize, noted that his own sluggishness seemed cured with a little dose of sunlight. He eventually showed that solar radiation could help treat smallpox, lupus and tuberculosis. (His work on lupus earned him the coveted prize.)
But sunlight therapy, or heliotherapy as it was sometimes called (helios is the Greek word for sun), didn’t become popular until a Swiss doctor, Auguste Rollier, began championing it in the early 1900s.

The Rollier Institute
Inspired by Finsen, Rollier enthusiastically opened solaria — buildings designed to optimize exposure to the sun’s rays — throughout Switzerland. Soon, the buildings — all with south-facing balconies, some with sliding walls of windows and retractable roofs — were mimicked across Europe.
Rollier devised a detailed protocol for how, exactly, to sunbathe for health. He was convinced that early-morning sun was best and that sun exposure was most beneficial when the air was cool. When patients, most of whom had tuberculosis, arrived at his solaria, they first had to adjust to the altitude (his clinics were in the mountains) and then to the cool air. Once acclimated, Rollier slowly exposed them to the sun.

Dr Auguste Rollier.
The patients were rolled onto sun-drenched, open-air balconies, wearing loincloths and covered from head to toe with white sheets. On the first day of treatment, just their feet peeked out from under the sheets, and only for five minutes. On day two, the sheets were pulled a little higher, and the patients were left in the sun a few minutes more. By day five, only the patients’ heads were covered, their bodies left to soak up sun for more than an hour. After a few weeks, the patients were very tan — and hopefully very healthy. (The therapy worked for many, but not all.)
Soon doctors across Europe were touting heliotherapy as a cure for tuberculosis and lupus, cuts and scrapes, burns, arthritis, rheumatism and nerve damage. The German military opened sun-hospitals for its soldiers during World War I. Tans became trendy, and many proclaimed sun to be the long-sought fountain of youth.

By this time, scientists had accumulated evidence for the practice too. Researchers showed that sunlight could kill the bacteria that caused tuberculosis and other diseases. Others proved that UV light could cure rickets, a bone disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin D.
But by World War II, the craze for sun gradually had tempered. Newly discovered antibiotics were more powerful against germs than sunlight. And more and more, doctors were seeing proof that too much sun did more harm than good.

That observation, however, wasn’t that new.

Sir Henry Gauvain, Britain’s leading heliotherapist, seemed to foresee heliotherapy’s future back in 1922. Sunlight, he wrote, is “like a good champagne. It invigorates and stimulates; indulged in to excess, it intoxicates and poisons.”

Dr. C.W. Saleeby published: Sun and Disease April 1923
An excerpt:
“In the beginning, God said, Let There Be Light.” In or before the eighth century B.C., Zarathustra, foremost among many sun-worshippers in many ages, taught the cult of the sun and the green leaf and thrift, in place of pillage and murder. In the beginning of medicine, Hippocrates, practising at Cos in the temples of Esculapius-son of Phcebus Apollo, god of the sun and medicine and music-practised the sun-cure. In the beginning of our era, Galen and Celsus used the sun. In the Dark Ages, by a pitiful misconception, the cult of the sun fell into desuetude as a species of pagan Nature-worship, and ill persons were treated alike in physical and in intellectual night. Tuberculosis and other ills were treated by the Sover-reign touch, reputed to cure the “king’s evil.”
Dr. Saleeby praised the work and discoveries of his predecessors and concluded.
“Clearly the need was for a properly co-ordinated scientific inquiry into the action of sunlight upon the body in health and disease.


COLOR THERAPY- The Pioneers and their discoveries.
Ra and Lady Taperet. Taperet stele, Thebes, Ptolemaic period (circa 1069 – 30 BC)
Ancient Egyptians are said to have built special temples for healing with sunlight and coloured light. Pythagorus used colour for healing five hundred years before the birth of Christ. Reference to colour healing can be found in ancient Chinese and Indian texts.
Virtually all the major civilizations recognized the importance of light in healing. The Assyrians, Babylonians and Egyptians all practiced therapeutic sun-bathing. The Greek city of Heliopolis (which means ‘City of the Sun’) was renowned for its healing temples and light rooms. The windows were covered with specially dyed cloths and the different colors were believed to have different healing powers.

Dr. Edwin Dwight Babbitt was an American physician and early pioneer in the science of chromotherapy (color/light therapy). Modern photobiology has its roots in chromotherapy, and Dr. Babbitt was instrumental in bringing light and color into the scientific verifiable realm. In 1869, he began treating psycho-emotional disorders in Boston and New York using chromotherapy and magnetic therapy. After several years of experimentation with light, color and magnetism in the area of health care, he began publishing articles of his research.
In 1876, Dr. Babbitt published his classic book on chromotherapy, The Principles of Light and Color. He had two purposes for publishing his book. The first was to convince his fellow medical colleagues that he had discovered a valuable therapeutic system. The second was to present to the world a philosophy of ‘light and color’ that he believed formed and affected fundamental principles of life.

Among Dr. Babbitt’s early predecessors were Abu ʻAli al-Husayn Ibn Sina more commonly known as Avicenna.
Avicenna (980–1037), seeing color as of vital importance both in diagnosis and in treatment, discussed chromotherapy in The Canon of Medicine. He wrote that “color is an observable symptom of disease” and developed a chart that related color to the temperature and physical condition of the body. His view was that red moved the blood, blue or white cooled it, and yellow reduced muscular pain and inflammation.

Augustus Pleasanton-(January 21, 1808 – July 26, 1894), was a militia general during the American Civil War. He used blue light to stimulate secretory glands and the nervous system; he found it to be very effective in treating a variety of diseases, especially those accompanied by pain.


Dinshah Ghadiali
An amazing, innovative, creative, modern day pioneer who went through years of persecution by the AMA and Pharma for his success using color therapies. His work is well documented and incredibly successful. Today his son is the president of the Spectro-Chrome Institute in Malaga New Jersey of which I am a member. Dinshah Ghadiali was born of Persian descent in Bombay, India, November 28, 1873. He preferred to be called by his first name, which means “King of Duty”. He was not only a genius, but a man totally devoted to the selfless duty of healing others. (place jpg here)

What Dinshah says about Color/Light Healing.
“What is light? Light is an energetic state. It is invisible. A misconception about light is that white light contains all seven colors. Light is not white, it is invisible. When light from the sun hits the atmosphere, it atmospheric molecules reflect the light and we perceive a white color. But it does not contain the seven colors in it, like a container contains seven color balls. The colors are a different states of energy. Light is an energetic state that travels through space in a three-dimensional way. In science electromagnetic waves are only used in a two-dimension way. It propagates forward in a linear way, and moves up and own in amplitude. It is easy to work with and sufficient for what we need it for in practical applications. But nothing in nature is two-dimensional, everything moves in three dimensions. So does light. When it moves forward linearly ( X-axis) and with amplitude (Y-axis), it also has a third movement in the Z-axis, which is circular (actually spirally because it is moving forward). This is oscillation, which has a 360 degrees turn.
When light from the sun passes through a yellow colored filtered, the coloring agent in the glass ‘twists’ the movement of this oscillating to a certain degree and then continues with the yellow frequency. Dinshah points out that the term ‘filter’ is a misnomer. A filter implies that one part is let through while the other parts are held back. In this view the yellow part is let through and the other color parts are held back. Thus when the yellow light beam continues and hits a green filter, then nothing should come out at the other side of the green filter. Reality is different. When the yellow light hits the green ‘filter’, a lemon light beam comes out at the other side, the result of another ‘twist’ that happened, creating the frequency of lemon color light.”

In 1884, at the age of 11, he became assistant to the Professor of Mathematics and Science at Wilson College and was awarded prizes for proficiency in English, Persian, and religion.
In 1887, Dinshah presented several experimental demonstrations in chemistry and physics at various institutions and began his studies in medicine. For income, he started a business of installing electric lights, doorbells, and burglar alarms.
In 1889, Dinshah became stage manager of the Bombay Theater and installed one of the earliest electric motion-picture projectors. He then established the “Electro-Medical Hall” at Ajmer, India, for healing with color therapy, magneto-therapy, and electro-therapy. Soon after, he opened another Electro-Medical Hall in Surat, India.
In 1896, he made his first visit to the United States where he met Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, and other prominent scientists of the day. During his tour, he lectured on X-rays and radioactivity which were being used clinically in the United States for such things as bone fractures and gunshot wounds. The New York Times and other newspapers called him the “Parsee Edison”.
The year 1897 marked a permanent turning point in Dinshah’s life and medical career. The niece of a friend was suffering from colitis and her physician was using the then-accepted drugs, to no avail. Dinshah, having read Edwin S. Babbitt’s work, The Principles of Light and Color, and Blue and Red Light, by Dr. Seth Pancoast, became aware of the theory of chromotherapy (healing with colored light). Dinshah treated the young woman according to Dr. Babbitt’s technique.
The light from a kerosene lantern, filtered through an indigo-colored glass, was shone on her. Milk was placed in a bottle of the same color, exposed to the sunlight, and then given her to drink. Dinshah wrote: “The urgent straining to evacuate, which occurred perhaps a hundred times a day, abated to ten after one treatment; after three days she was able to get out of bed.” This case was the beginning of Dinshah’s intense investigation into the effects of colored light on the body.
Dinshah emigrated to the U.S. in 1911 and was naturalized in 1917. His previous medical studies in India were not recognized in the United States. He became alienated from the conventional medicine of the day.
By 1911, Dinshah already had a theory of how colors relate to human physiology. He believed that every element exhibits a preponderance of one of the seven prismatic colors. For example, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and carbon, the elements that make up 97% of the body, are associated with blue, red, green, and yellow, respectively. In a healthy person, these colors are balanced, but become imbalanced during illness.
His primary therapy was to apply specific colors to the body that were lacking or reduce the colors that had become too predominant.
This was the beginning of Dinshah’s color therapy system; he called it Spectro-Chrome therapy, a method of healing using attuned color waves.
In 1914, he created the “Dinshah Photokinephone Corporation” for developing a sound-on-film, shutterless, flickerless motion-picture projector. A patent application was later filed on the apparatus.
In 1919, two years after being naturalized as a U.S. citizen, he was appointed Governor of the New York City Police Aviation School, and later was commissioned Colonel and Commander of the New York Police Reserve Air Service.

In 1919, he also became Vice President of the National Association of Drugless Practitioners (founded in 1912 and still active today) and actively participated in efforts to have the government recognize alternative medical practices. I am a proud member of the NADP as a National Board Certified Holistic Health Care Practicioner (place jpeg of my certificate here)
By 1920, Dinshah announced that he had perfected the techniques of Spectro-Chrome therapy, wherein color beams of light were projected upon the body of an ill person.
Dinshah purchased land in Malaga, New Jersey, and opened the Spectro-Chrome Institute. He devised a method of combining filters to create colors which do not exist in the visible spectrum. These “artificial” colors considerably expanded the scope of health conditions amenable to color therapy. That important innovation advanced Spectro-Chrome from color therapy in its usual sense to a more therapeutic system.

Dr. Kate Baldwin adopted Dinshah’s work and remained a defender, colleague and friend throughout.
Kate W. Baldwin, M.D., F.A.C.S. (1855-1935)
Former Senior Surgeon, Woman’s Hospital, Philadelphia, Pa.
Here is portion of her findings.
“In the effort to obtain relief from suffering, many of the more simple but potent measures have been overlooked while we have grasped at the obscure and complicated.

Sunlight is the basic source of all life and energy upon earth. Deprive plant or animal life of light, and it soon shows the lack and ceases to develop. Place a seed in the very best of soil or a human being in a palace, shut out the light, and what happens? Without food (in the usual sense of the term) man can live many days; without liquids a much shorter time; but not at all without the atmosphere which surrounds him at all times and to which he pays so little attention. The forces on which life mostly depends are placed nearly or quite beyond personal control. For centuries scientists have devoted untiring effort to discover means for the relief or cure of human ills and restoration of the normal functions. Yet in neglected light and color there is a potency far beyond that of drugs and serums.

In order that the whole body may function perfectly, each organ must be a hundred percent perfect. When the spleen, the liver, or any other organ falls below normal, it simply means that the body laboratories have not provided the required materials with which to work, either because they are not functioning as a result of some disorder of the internal mechanism, or because they have not been provided with the necessary materials.

Before the body can appropriate the required elements, they must be separated from the waste matter. Each element gives off a characteristic color wave. The prevailing color wave of hydrogen is red, and that of oxygen is blue, and each element in turn gives off its own special color wave. Sunlight, as it is received by the body, is split into the prismatic colors and their combinations as white light is split by passage through a prism. Everything on the red side of the spectrum is more or less stimulating, while the blue is sedative. There are many shades of each color, and each is produced by a little different wave length. Just as sound waves are tuned to each other and produce harmony or discords, so color waves may be tuned, and only so can they be depended on always to produce the same results.

If one requires a dose of castor oil, he does not go to a drug-store and request a little portion from each bottle on the shelves. I see no virtue, then, in the use of the whole white light as a therapeutic measure when the different colors can give what is required without taxing the body to rid itself of that for which it has no use, and which may do more or less harm. If the body is sick it should be restored with the least possible effort. There is no more accurate or easier way than by giving the color representing the lacking elements, and the body will, through its radioactive forces [the aura], appropriate them and so restore the normal balance. Color is the simplest and most accurate therapeutic measure yet developed.

For about six years I have given close attention to the action of colors in restoring the body functions, and I am perfectly honest in saying that, after nearly thirty-seven years of active hospital and private practice in medicine and surgery, I can produce quicker and more accurate results with colors than with any or all other methods combined – and with less strain on the patient. In many cases, the functions have been restored after the classical remedies have failed. Of course, surgery is necessary in some cases, but the results will be quicker and better if color is used before and after operation. Sprains, bruises and traumata of all sorts respond to color as to no other treatment. Septic conditions yield, regardless of the specific organism. Cardiac lesions, asthma, hay fever, pneumonia, inflammatory conditions of the eyes, corneal ulcers, glaucoma, and cataracts are relieved by the treatment.

The treatment of carbuncles with color is easy compared to the classical methods. One woman with a carbuncle involving the back of the neck from mastoid to mastoid, and from occipital ridge to the first dorsal vertebra, came under color therapy after ten days of the very best of attention. From the first day of color application, no opiates, not even sedatives, were required. This patient was saved much suffering, and she has little scar. The use of color in the treatment of burns is well worth investigating by every member of the profession. In such cases the burning sensation caused by the destructive forces may be counteracted in from twenty to thirty minutes, and it does not return.

True burns are caused by the destructive action of the red side of the spectrum, hydrogen predominating. Apply oxygen by the use of the blue side of the spectrum, and much will be done to relieve the nervous strain, the healing processes are rapid, and the resulting tissues soft and flexible. In very extensive burns in a child of eight years of age there was almost complete suppression of urine for more than 48 hours, with a temperature of 105 to 106 degrees. Fluids were forced to no effect, and a more hopeless case is seldom seen. Scarlet was applied just over the kidneys at a distance of eighteen inches for twenty minutes, all other areas being covered. Two hours after, the child voided eight ounces of urine.

In some unusual and extreme cases that had not responded to other treatment, normal functioning has been restored by color therapy. At present, therefore, I do not feel justified in refusing any case without a trial. Even in cases where death is inevitable, much comfort may be secured.

There is no question that light and color are important therapeutic media, and that their adoption will be of advantage to both the profession and the people.”

Dr Jacob Liberman author of the book- Light- Medicine of the Future: How we can use it to heal ourselves.
(I was honored to be one of his students)
“Jacob Liberman has managed to unravel the secrets of light and offer them to the world as a source of profound transformation and healing.” Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D.
Dr. Jacob Israel Liberman is a pioneer in the fields of light, vision and consciousness.
He is the Past President of the College of Syntonic Optometry and the International Society For The Study Of Subtle Energies And Energy Medicine (ISSSEEM), and a Fellow Emeritus of the American Academy of Optometry, College of Syntonic Optometry, College of Optometrists in Vision Development, and International Academy of Color Sciences.
Dr. Liberman is the inventor of the Vis-Flex, Color Receptivity Trainer, Spectral Receptivity System I, II and III, and EYEPORT Vision Training System, the first FDA-cleared medical device that significantly improves overall visual performance. He is on the Board of Directors of the International Light Association and is a faculty member of the Institute for Scientific Exploration. Liberman also serves on the Advisory Board of the Institute for Science, Spirituality and Sustainability, as well as Nura Health SPC, working together with other distinguished experts to develop an informational platform for documenting Integrative Medicine.
Dr. Liberman- “People in the spiritual traditions for thousands of years have also spoken of light as the creative force and making it synonymous with the word consciousness. If you look at science, the most accurate scientific theory in history is the theory of quantum mechanics, quantum physics, which is the science of light and basically that is responsible for over 50% of all the technology we use today. It is based on the theory of quantum mechanics, which makes it the most accurate theory in history by far. Quantum mechanics tells you that the underlying source of energy from where all of life emerges is the energy of light. “





Far Infrared Ray (FIR) are waves of energy and invisible to the naked eye. FIR actually exists in abundance around us. Their waves are capable of penetrating deep layers of the human body, reaching inner-most regions of tissues, muscles and bone. They gently elevate the body’s surface temperature (107.6F/42 celsius and above, enables destruction of cancer cells), and activate major bodily functions.
FIR can be a solution for anyone seeking a non-pharmaceutical solution for boosting mood and reducing symptoms of chronic pain. Thermal therapy has been used for years as a drug-free treatment for chronic pain patients. Researchers at Japan’s Nishi Kyusyu University discovered that infrared sauna heat therapy can have a significant impact on chronic pain sufferers’ overall well-being and ability to function. Whether you are suffering from pain or overall sickness, FIR therapy can help restore your wellness levels and live more comfortably

Far Infrared rays are shown to gently heal, soothe, stimulate and detox the physical body, as well as the mind. More is being discovered about the healing properties of FIR technology.
They can help the body reduce water retention and eliminate metals. As a result, people often see a reduction in fatigue and an improvement in their focus and energy levels. These toxins cannot be expelled instantly, so they accumulate in our bodies, encapsulated in water molecules. These trapped toxins lead to blocked blood circulation, impaired cellular energy, and illness. When we are exposed to FIR waves, the molecules trapping toxins inside us vibrate and break apart, and are expelled through excessive sweating caused by FIR heat therapy. For example- FIR therapy is a drug-free, surgery-free option to manage some of the symptoms associated with chronic muscular back pain. FIR is a safe and effective way to detoxify and is considered seven times more effective than steam saunas or conventional heat alone. Mats and FIR saunas appear to be the best way to get FIR into the body and mind system. I learned that not all FIR mats and saunas are made with the same quality materials. I use the products produced by HealthyLine. In my experience they are of the highest quality available.

PEMF stands for pulsed electromagnetic fields. To your body, PEMF translates at a cellular level, in which it enhances your body’s overall functioning. The process of receiving PEMF involves sending energy waves towards pained areas of the body. The waves pass through completely and increase the spin of the electrons. As a result, wellness levels are improved and the body may function more efficiently.

PEMF added into HealthyLine™ products, is a relatively new impulse in the medical community, but it is already gaining a large popularity. The effects may not be seen right away, but the use of PEMF will help the body maintain proper functionality.  PEMF is safe to use and only requires 15-20 minutes of exposure at a time to receive the daily maximum benefits. Keeping sessions short will avoid overstimulating your cells and also preserve the quality of the internal coil system. Explore PEMF and experience its wellness-restoring qualities for yourself.


History of Infrared & Infrared Technology

The name infrared comes from the Latin word infra, meaning “below”. Red is the color of the longest wavelengths of visible light. Infrared light has a longer wavelength than that of red light. A longer wavelength means it has a lower frequency than red, hence “below”.
Sir William Herschel, . an amateur astronomer famous for the discovery of Uranus in 1781, discovered infrared in the early 19th century. Herschel was familiar with Newton’s discovery that sunlight could be separated into its separate chromatic components via refraction through a glass prism. Herschel hypothesized that the colors themselves might contain different levels of heat, so he devised an experiment to test his theory. Herschel passed sunlight through a glass prism to create a spectrum (the rainbow created when light is divided into its color components) and measured the temperatures of the different colors. He used three thermometers with blackened bulbs and placed one bulb in each color while the other two were placed outside the spectrum as controls.
As he measured the temperature of the violet, blue, green, yellow, orange and red light, he noticed that all the colors had temperatures higher than the controls and that the temperature increased from the violet to the red part of the spectrum. After understanding this pattern, Herschel measured the temperature just beyond the red portion of the spectrum and found this area had the highest temperature of all and thus contained the most heat. What Herschel discovered was a form of light beyond red light. Herschel’s experiments lead to the discovery of infrared light.
Infrared is a section, or “band” of invisible light found on the electromagnetic spectrum. It’s a form of radiant heat that can also be called “infrared energy.” About 80% of the sun’s rays actually fall in this part of the spectrum.

Re-Discovery of Far Infrared Technology 1962
In September of 1962, President John F. Kennedy laid down the challenge for America: to be the first country to make it to the moon by the end of the decade. The vision was to advance as the leading space-faring nation on the planet and to prove the country’s technological superiority.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was charged with this seemingly overwhelming task.  The project wasn’t as simple as just sending a ship to the moon, the major problem was making sure that the crew stayed alive. There was also the risk of contamination: what if the astronauts brought back undocumented microbes, viruses, or disease from Space? NASA feared for the safety of its astronauts and the possible contamination issue.

A huge amount of budget was spent on research on the human immune system. It was during this time that NASA discovered the tremendous healing potential of Far Infrared Rays (FIR).

NASA studies showed that in the infrared radiation spectrum, light in the 8-14 micron range penetrates the human body the most effectively. When far infrared rays (FIR) set at this frequency range are used during therapy, the result is that the rays are able to penetrate into the layers of the body and thus radically improve the effectiveness of its healing properties. This is the optimal frequency to produce the heat necessary to expand capillaries and increase blood circulation.

The thermal effect within the body causes blood vessels in capillaries to dilate resulting in increased blood circulation. This in turn helps facilitate the removal of toxins and metabolic wastes in the body.  FIR produces heat in the body that is harmless and targeted to deeply penetrate that raises body temperature. All of this strengthens the immune system. This also relieves the muscles, rehabilitates movement impairment, soothes pain and promotes muscle tissue repair. Toxins become clumps, or globules, and block circulation in the capillaries and then cellular energy becomes impaired.  The strong thermal energy of FIR causes globules to vibrate and break apart, releasing encapsulated gases and other toxic materials and pushes them back into the blood stream where they are removed naturally in a form of natural detoxification of the body.

In a two-year clinical trial that NASA spearheaded along with medical partners, cancer patients undergoing bone marrow or stem cell transplants were given a far infrared light treatment to treat oral mucositis — a common and extremely painful side effect of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. The trial concluded that there is a 96 percent improvement in pain of those in the high-risk patient group.

The health benefits of the infrared heater have been widely documented, and will continue to be in the future as its use and popularity increase.
The work on healing, for example, by my guest on The Expat Show® and friend Dr. Kazuko Tatsumura has been thoroughly documented in the Journal of Oncology Research Treatment- “Effects of Far-Infrared and Terahertz Onnetsu Therapy on Cancer, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Diseases.”

I use Dr. Kazuko’s Onnetsuku myself and have recommended it to friends and family.

It provides that special, deep, penetrating heat and removes pain and discomfort.

Thank you again Dr. Kazuko