Food and Nutrition

“But there’s nothing to stop us from getting a thrill-
When we all close our eyes and imagine-
Food, glorious food!
We’re anxious to try it.
Three banquets a day
Our favorite diet!
Oh, food,
Wonderful food,
Marvelous food,
Glorious food.”
 by Lionel Bart, is the opening song from the 1960s West End and Broadway musical (and 1968 film- Oliver!)

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates

Some of us have the ability to eat what we want. The iron stomach types. But many of us, depending on our age and present health situation must be very aware of what we consume. In the name of holistic health,  we utilize nutritionists, dietitians and doctors to pinpoint what are our optimum foods, vitamins and nutrients.  My presenting you the works of these great nutrition pioneers will inspire and empower  you to be your own health and wellness practitioner. The life and work of researchers, scientists and practitioners like Dr Linus Pauling,  Dr. James D’Adamo,  Dr. Bruce Baar and many others, have greatly influenced how we look at our health and the health products we choose to use.

OK……Its obvious. Food provides us the nutrients and energy to develop and grow, be active and healthy, to move, play, work, think and learn. AND when we are really hungry, oh yeah, it also provides us with great pleasure and satisfaction. What a divine gift is food glorious food.
Our physical, mental, social and spiritual health-(holistic health)  is impacted by the food we consume because each morsel of food or liquid contains particular nutrition such as carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, fats, etc. Food and water are the main sources of nutrition and strength for the body. Food can also lead to health problems such as diabetes and heart disease. Yes we are unique individuals but there are still some foods, vitamins and nutrients that we collectively need.
The terms ‘food’ and ‘nutrition’ are sometimes incorrectly used synonymously.   Food is a composite mixture of various ingredients that are consumed for nutrition.

Dr. James D’Adamo, for example, taught me that nutrition connotes a dynamic process in which swallowed food is utilized by the human body for nourishment. How to identify the best foods for our blood type so that we can absorb the right nutrients we need.

There is also the phenomenon called “The Comfort Food”.  An article published in 2017 in the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science defines comfort foods as those foods providing “consolation or a feeling of well-being,” Foods that provides a nostalgic or sentimental value, characterized by its high caloric nature, high carbohydrate level, or simple preparation. The nostalgia may be specific to an individual, or it may apply to a specific culture. Food that we find enjoyable to eat and makes us feel better emotionally and psychologically.  Shira Gabriel, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Buffalo, says comfort foods can hold particular appeal when we’re feeling lonely or rejected, and might even help combat those feelings. Research presented in 2013 at the annual meeting of the Society for the Study of Ingestive Behavior even suggests that exposure to stress in our very early childhood increases stress and anxiety in adulthood, along with consumption of comfort foods.
Comfort food can mean soft textures and rich flavors that usually improve with a little time and patience.
Personally, I come from the school that supports the benefits of comfort food. Sometimes enjoying ice cream, milk and cookie, pizza or our favorite cravings can be a very relaxing experience. We are holistic entities and not digestive machines. Enjoy!!!!
“Hey, please pass me a piece of that chocolate cake……will yah?


Dr. James D’Adamo

I feel very fortunate to have worked personally with Dr. James D’Adamo, as a student, patient and friend. 
Dr. D is well known for his over 50years research and practice into blood factors and their relationship with optimum health and healing. Simply, our blood type provides the key to a healthy diet. Every individual is unique and special. But D’Adamo went much further. Blood types come with trace factors in the blood. His book The D’Adamo Diet recommends a distinct diet for each individual type. Example type O being closer to a meat diet than type A. But O can have a B trace thus creating a meat and vegetable balance. Sadly, I found much misrepresentation about Dr J. D’Adamo’s research and findings. His work was more intricate and in depth than just taking a blood test. In my case, I have type O with a B trace. This modified my diet needs for optimum assimilation. The goal with D’Adamo’s research included what foods are best assimilated by the body.
Dr. J. D’Adamo describes his work here- “We use much more than just the blood type diet. We take a series of pulses (an unorthodox method) that I developed. There are 6 pulses. One tells us energy, another acidity, how the bowels are functioning, the kidneys, the small intestine, and the liver. Next, we examine the iris of the eye (a map of our body), which helps me to identify all the weaknesses from the moment of birth up until today. I then set out to treat those weaknesses.”

Despite the early origins of the idea, the most famous use of it which is most responsible for its continued use today is that of English nutritionist Victor Lindlahr. In the 1920’s he said ‘Ninety percent of the diseases known to man are caused by cheap foodstuffs. You are what you eat.’ Then, in 1942 he parlayed this conviction into an extremely successful book: You Are What You Eat. According to Lindlahr (like Hippocrates), “food is medicine,” (Its all part of the Healing Arts.)

Quotes- Dr. D’Adamo:  “No matter how hard you try to see an individual, it’s impossible to get the whole picture from a book. When someone comes to me, we look at the blood and then we are 1000% sure what his or her blood type is.
We need to work at recapturing health. Most of us have been given health from the moment of birth and when it breaks down we blame God.
What I do is locate the cause. When you examine the body in the proper way you find out which organs have the problems and then treat the patient from there. When one wants to do something in a natural way they need to learn the word ‘patience’ because nature works very slowly. Most sicknesses start in infancy although we don’t feel them. It takes time to develop, so it will take time to go away. Conditions such as Arthritis, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, and Cancer aren’t the result of germs or viruses. These diseases are produced by stress and poor eating habits. We DO have control: we can treat these conditions, but you really need to go to the weakened organs and strengthen them directly. I treat the cause, not the symptom. You need to use vitamins and herbs. I see vitamins as drugs – each blood group’s nutrient requirement being different than the other”.

About Our Nature’s Blessing products™

Nature’s Blessing provides us with the highest quality supplements, CBD oil, capsules and skin care.

In addition, Nature’s Blessing has some of the most powerful and unique nutrients not found anywhere else. Such as: Sulflax™ a gentle laxative and blood purifier. Jerusalem Artichoke digestion health. Hyaluronic Acid joint fluid support. Ojibwa Extract powerful detoxifier. Thyroid Energy™ healthy thyroid support. Blood Pressure Advantage™ with flavonoids. All under the careful and watchful supervision of scientist, researcher and health expert Dr. Bruce Baar.

“In today’s world of processed foods and fast-paced lifestyles, many of us do not get the daily recommended allowance of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Nature’s Blessing Supplements can help fill in the areas lacking in our diets, and are formulated to provide a broad range of nutrition in a synergistic manner.
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About Dr. Linus Pauling- Vitamin C
Vitamin C -(is more than just ascorbic acid)- it is a nutrient your body needs to form blood vessels, cartilage, muscle and collagen in bones. Vitamin C is also vital to your body’s healing process. Because your body doesn’t produce vitamin C, you need to get it from your diet. You can get it in fruits, citrus, berries, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, cabbage, spinach, brussels sprouts and broccoli.
As an antioxidant, it helps protect your cells against the effects of free radicals — (molecules produced when your body breaks down food or is exposed to tobacco smoke and radiation from the sun, X-rays or other sources) There is some opinion that free radicals might play a role in heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Vitamin C also helps your body absorb and store iron. It is considered non-toxic.

According to Mayo Clinic research 2020 along with great pioneers such as Dr. James D’Adamo, Linus Pauling and others- Vitamin C can lower risk of cancer, common cold (corona virus) and eye diseases.

Scientist James Lind  conducted a trial in 1747 treating sailors with scurvy in different ways. He found that the only effective treatment of those he’d tested was oranges and lemons.
Finally in the 20th century, scientists would figure out what it was in those fruits that was doing the trick. In 1928, Albert Szent-Gyorgi, a scientist working at the University of Szeged in Hungary, isolated a substance found in the adrenal glands and named it hexuronic acid. In 1931, two American biochemists, J.L. Svirbely and Charles Glen King, found that the crystalline vitamin C in lemon juice matched the properties of hexuronic acid.

More on Linus Pauling:
Linus Carl Pauling was an American chemist, biochemist, chemical engineer, peace activist, author, and educator. He published more than 1,200 papers and books, of which about 850 dealt with scientific topics. New Scientist called him one of the 20 greatest scientists of all time, and as of 2000, he was rated the 16th most important scientist in history. For his scientific work, Pauling was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1954. For his peace activism, he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1962. He is one of four people to have won more than one Nobel Prize. Of these, he is the only person to have been awarded two unshared Nobel Prizes, and one of two people to be awarded Nobel Prizes in different fields, the other being Marie Curie.
In 1973 The Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine was founded in Menlo Park, California by Linus Pauling and several colleagues under the name Institute of Orthomolecular Medicine.
After Linus Pauling’s death, it relocated to Oregon State University in 1996, and was renamed the Linus Pauling Institute. Several researchers from the original institute, including the assistant director of research, went on to form the Genetic Information Research Institute in nearby Mountain View, CA. At Oregon State University, the institute operates under the Research Centers and Institutes under the university’s Research Office.

Dr. Pauling, in developing his recommendations, used cross-species comparisons, evolutionary arguments, the concept of biochemical individuality, and the amount of vitamin C likely consumed in a raw plant food diet. Using this approach, Dr. Pauling suggested in the early 1970s that the optimum daily intake may be about 2,000 milligrams of vitamin C and that everyone should get at least 200 to 250 mg/day. In a 1974 radio interview, he noted that “the first 250 mg is more important than any later 250 mg. The first 250 mg leads you up to the level where the blood is saturated. You can achieve a higher volume [concentration] in the blood by a larger intake, but you get much better improvement for the first 250 mg than for additional grams.”

A Complete form of Vitamin C consists of Copper, (Vit P) bioflavonoids, hesperiden and rutin and other vital components. Check out our full spectrum Vitamin C

                      Dr. Pauling significantly increased his recommendation in his 1986 book “How To Live Longer and Feel Better”.

NOTE: I eat whole lemons. They are amazing! Have a great blender on hand. I recommend it for these reasons. You will get the benefits of the lemon peel, pith, seeds- potassium, magnesium, B6,B1,B2, copper, vitamin e, folate, beta carotene, vitamin c. You get a Mild Diuretic, Bone Health, Reduce Cholesterol, Huge Colon Cleanse, Detox, Fights Cancer, Reduce Gas and Bloating, Improve Energy.