"to know is science; to believe one knows is ignorance.” Hippocrates

Your ultimate DETOX source book!!!


Click Here Welcome to “For Your Wellness” A talk by Tai about a largely overlooked but magical nutrient called Hyaluronic Acid.  Called by some practitioners as the “real collagen” solution!  Find out why and where to get this nutrient in the highest quality and potency available.

Thank you for visiting.  I created this website to share with you my personal experiences with the healers, practitioners and teachers who have wonderfully impacted my life.  My effort is also to bring hope and a message that we can dramatically upgrade our quality of health and well being.  In our hands is the ability to absolutely reclaim our healing power!  What I have learned and implemented has changed my life in many ways.  May you find real value from this website. The history of the Healing Arts is packed with incredible discoveries and pioneers. We owe them all our gratitude. The holistic heath information posted on this website I live by. The products I recommend I personally use and endorse. I will continue to add information and products to this website that I believe in. ** Do you have a question for me? Are you seeking help for your wellness goals? I am happy to help!
Onama Health™ (Onama = “in the name of”.  “the nature of.”  “having awareness”) is about sharing with you what is on the cutting edge of healing paradigms. They are simple and proven approaches that have worked for me and healed my life in many ways.

We all have this opportunity to reclaim our healing power and dramatically improve our quality of being. All of us are gifted at birth with Homeostasis.  As I discovered, which was very difficult for me to accept,  is that the power for transformation and healing lies within ourselves. “The doctor treats the wound however it is our life force (God) within that heals it.”

Unfortunately we have forgotten that.  Physically, mentally and spiritually we are hard wired toward balance and equilibrium. But many of us don’t take this fact into account when we address our health issues. We unwittingly short circuit our recovery. I hope to change that for some.
The information here is based on modern research, ancient proven practices, natural remedies, the use of technology, electricity, farinfrared and other paradigms. I present to you the experts, my teachers,  in their own words, explaining the science behind it all. Our Partners section features companies and their products that  I endorse and recommend. Products that I use and rate the highest quality anywhere  I want Onama Health™  to be helpful and inspiring. I look forward to hearing from you.  Health and Well Being are our most valuable possessions!

Enjoy drinking clean water, eat fresh, natural foods, get plenty of sleep, move your body, breath deeply, take a break when needed and have a spiritual- self love component to your life.


ALSO- I recommend getting a copy of  “BODY MIND BALANCING” a guide to making friends with your body. © OSHO International. Great reading and an amazing practice toward complete healing of body and mind. (Complete with audio CD meditation.)

We can send you a FREE PDF copy of the book and the MP3 meditation by emailing SANGIT- at contactus@onamahealth.com


Food and Nutrition

“But there’s nothing to stop us from getting a thrill.

When we all close our eyes and imagine
Food, glorious food!
We’re anxious to try it.

Three banquets a day.

Our favorite diet!

Oh, food, Wonderful food,

Marvelous food, Glorious food.”

“Food, Glorious Food”,

written by Lionel Bart, is the opening song from the 1960s West End and Broadway musical (and 1 968 film) Oliver! 
“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
― Hippocrates

I want to start with what I have learned and applied regarding food and other nutrients. …..

Electricity, Imagery, Qi Gong

Of these, I have been a long time student. By applying what I’ve learned, my health improves and maintains its excellent level. The pioneers I have worked with have also become my true friends. In this section I will share with you who they are and what they are doing……..

Sun, Color, FarInfraRed

My study and experience on the healing power of light and light waves have been a mind-blowing revelation. We owe much to the dedicated and courageous pioneers from centuries back to today. They have laid down a foundation we are building. I have learned to trust the science and apply it in my life. Some of these pioneers paid a high price for their work, being ostracized and shunned by their community. But many of those same ones persisted. Their reward finally came as recognition and even a Nobel prize.
You may be surprised to find that the healing paradigms and information contained here are readily available to all…….

Religious, Spiritual, Metaphysical

Called: The One, Transcendent Presence, Supreme Being, Creator, Infinite Love, God, Malki Tzedek, Lord Jesus, Mahamuni Babaji Maharaj, Christ, I AM, Buddha (who never claimed to be God), Allah, Holy Spirit, Qi, Yeshua, Lord Joshua, Onoma, mother nature, nirvana and countless others. According to Vedanta tradition: God is One, we call God by various names. But whatever name we use, the search for a refuge and for truth has been going on since the beginning of recorded time. Some believe in a no God view but in the term “existence”. Wherever we place ourselves, the relevant question becomes: where do we find this kingdom, this source of life, of joy of truth and fullfilment? ……

“No great thing is created suddenly. If you tell me you desire a fig, I will answer you that there must be time. Let it first blossom, then bear fruit then ripen.” Epictetus Greek Philosopher